Pro. Satish Mulge
There are no shortcuts for success and no substitute for hard work. Hence "Sramayeva Jayathe" has been our time-tested axiom. It is with excitement and pleasure that I welcome you to SEEMAS, an academic institution of excellence. If we were to put the usual yardstick of success and quality of education, SEEMAS definitely towers tall. But what brings me satisfaction is that the students of SEEMAS are doing well in life in positive manner: becoming good citizens, good doctors, good engineers, global leaders and above all good human beings.
From a humble beginning as a Maths tutor in 1989, my vision was very clear to impart quality education. In 2003, my perseverance transformed as SEEMAS became a fully fledged institution. Today, our group is proud to render education that starts from the Pre-primary to professionals. Our consistent emphasis on imparting quality education and inculcation the passion for excellence has produced reaping results of outstanding performance. The same has been the primary motive to strengthen our vision to deliver results and change the destinies of our students.
We strongly believe that all children have the ability to achieve success and realize all of their dreams. "I want to be.... or I want to do.... in future when I grow up," means that as an institution we have the task of guiding the student and supporting him or her to develop the self-confidence they need to do anything they set out to achieve. this is the philosophy that I have subscribed to for a longtime and our SEEMAS always stands on this philosophy.
We have constantly strived for excellence. Like for the many young minds we have shaped, its the winning spirit that has been of essence. Even quintessential, if you look at it from our perspective. And winning is possible only when one has the power to perceive the need of the hour.
SEEMAS has always been innovating to create excellence. I am sure the varied services that this web-site offers our existing and aspiring students will be great boon to students.
Needless to say, the endeavor to nurture and even further enrich the quality of education will be our constant feature. As for the rest, there will always be changes, undoubtedly, for the better.
Wishing you the very best.
Prof. Satish G. Mulge
News Letter